Erica _ Fischer: Growth of Cities (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: The Degree of Civilization To-Day (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Election of 1892 (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Climate in its Relation to Energy (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: World's Coal Production (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Climate and Temperature Chart (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Coal Areas of the United States and Canada (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Where Raw Cocoa Comes From (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Food Value of Cocoanut (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Regions From Which Our Cocoanuts Come (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Food Value of Fresh Cod (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Diagram of a Cold Storage System (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Comparative Areas: Colombia compared with Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: How the World is Apportioned (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Color Chart (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Colorado Products Chart (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Colorado (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Map of the World in Columbus' Boyhood (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: The Story of Commerce (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: The Congo Region (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Course of the Congo (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Where the World's Corn is Grown (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Areas of Greatest [Corn] Production in the United States (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Composition of Dried Corn, Composition of Green Corn (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Cotton-Producing Area (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Location Map (Croatia and Slavonia, 1920)
Erica _ Fischer: The Island of Cuba (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Map of the Cumberland Road (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: Diagram of Field of Action (1920)
Erica _ Fischer: The World Book (1920)