Erica _ Fischer:
Rowhouse with a notch in the side
Erica _ Fischer:
Rowhouses with metal roofs
Erica _ Fischer:
Erica _ Fischer:
New residential buildings
Erica _ Fischer:
Historic Alexandria Foundation Early Buildings Survey
Erica _ Fischer:
Rowhouses with shutters
Erica _ Fischer:
Third floor addition?
Erica _ Fischer:
Partially-repainted rowhouses
Erica _ Fischer:
Pink & Brown
Erica _ Fischer:
Pedestrians in front of Bistrot Lafayette
Erica _ Fischer:
Gas lamps by the door of Vermilion Restaurant
Erica _ Fischer:
Hank's Oyster Bar
Erica _ Fischer:
Elmo in the wall
Erica _ Fischer:
First floor retail under construction
Erica _ Fischer:
Indus Imports
Erica _ Fischer:
Rowhouse retail
Erica _ Fischer:
The Majestic Restaurant
Erica _ Fischer:
Taverna Cretekou
Erica _ Fischer:
Decorative metal work
Erica _ Fischer:
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia
Erica _ Fischer:
Church in Alexandria
Erica _ Fischer:
N. Henry St. (blue)
Erica _ Fischer:
N. Henry St., Cameron St. (blue)
Erica _ Fischer:
S. St. Asaph St. (blue)
Erica _ Fischer:
Are you renting the apartment?
Erica _ Fischer:
Iron entrance staircases
Erica _ Fischer:
Iron entrance staircases
Erica _ Fischer:
Iron entrance staircases on new buildings
Erica _ Fischer:
New buildings with iron entrance staircases
Erica _ Fischer:
Rowhouse with rounded window tops