Erica _ Fischer: Typical Operating Speed of San Francisco transit (1913)
Erica _ Fischer: Horse population per 100,000 human population of United States cities (1900 Census)
Erica _ Fischer: Total horse population of United States cities (1900 census)
Erica _ Fischer: Percent of Earth's surface geotagged by date
Erica _ Fischer: Average speed of moving taxis by time of day
Erica _ Fischer: Average speed of moving Muni vehicles by time of day
Erica _ Fischer: Speed of AC Transit Route 12 near the corner of Piedmont and Linda
Erica _ Fischer: Southbound Muni speeds on Masonic Avenue on different dates
Erica _ Fischer: Number of cars parked on each block of Valencia Street at different times of day
Erica _ Fischer: Weekend parking occupancy on Valencia Street
Erica _ Fischer: Relationship between traffic signal timing and speed for different block lengths
Erica _ Fischer: Too much information about San Francisco metered parking occupancy
Erica _ Fischer: Most popular times each day and week to post geotagged tweets to Twitter
Erica _ Fischer: Most popular times each day and week to take geotagged photos to post to Flickr
Erica _ Fischer: Most popular times each day and week to take geotagged photos to post to Picasa
Erica _ Fischer: Effect of Folsom Street road diet on traffic speeds