Walking Legends: Hikers in Tongariro National Park
Walking Legends: Taranaki Falls
Walking Legends: Climbing up Mt Ruapehu
Walking Legends: Climbing up Mt Ruapehu
Walking Legends: Mt Ruapehu Crater Lake
Walking Legends: Top of the Tongariro Crossing
Walking Legends: Red Crater
Walking Legends: Emerald Lakes
Walking Legends: Walkers in front of Mt Nguaruhoe
Walking Legends: Mts Nguaruhoe and Tongariro
Walking Legends: Tama Lake
Walking Legends: Near Tama Lakes
Walking Legends: Hiking up Mt Ruapehu
Walking Legends: Near the top of Mt Ruapehu
Walking Legends: Group near the top of Mt Ruapehu
Walking Legends: Mt Ruapehu Crater Lake
Walking Legends: 9 Mar 2010