Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Top of Goodell Mesa
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Goodell Mesa
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Eucalyptus grove Goodell Mesa
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Bolsa Chica Upper Wetlands and Mt Baldy
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Winter clouds over Goodell Mesa
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Canada Geese stop over in Upper Wetlands
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Upper Wetlands of Bolsa Chica
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Sadly this area is being destroyed for a Shea Homes development...
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Coyote looking for a quick snack perhaps...
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Bolsa Chica Wetlands ~ Little Pocket
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: White-crowned Sparrows
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Redhead at sunset
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: A sunny day in the Bolsa Chica wetlands reserve...
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Snowy Egrets
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Birds are back to the Bolsa Chica Wetalnds
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Little Pocket gathering..
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: American Bittern
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Reflection Snowy Egret
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Kestrel calling...
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: I'm outta here...says the Kestrel!
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: White-tail Kite
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: White-tailed Kites
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Cooper's Hawk
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Northern Harrier / Upper Wetlands
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Reddish Egret
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Jane Elizabeth Lazarz: Yellow-crowned Night Heron