Adam Walker Cleaveland: Welcome Station before you enter the Chapel
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Booklet that guided you through the stations
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Asbury UMC Chapel
Adam Walker Cleaveland: "What is..." StationPapers were spread out with phrases on them like "What is truth" or "What is beauty" or "Who is Jesus?" and people wrote their responses on them.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Light and Darkness StationA chance to light a candle while you prayed for something specific.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: B&W Photos StationUsing the Youth Specialties "Every Picture Tells a Story" resource, you could use B&W photos to help guide your prayer.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Light and Darkness StationThe sandbox with candles.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Doubts StationJust a chance to journal about the doubts that you had.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Hands StationThe chance to pray through holding your hands in different positions.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Prayer Journal StationA chance to journal prayers to God and to read some prayers of others.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Art StationPrayer through creativity and art.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Praying for World & Community StationA chance to pray for your local community and world, you could trace the paths of places you've been, pray for those places, and realize that where you go, Christ goes.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Around the Fountain StationA chance to reflect on "water", baptism and prayer.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Prayer Wall StationPeople could write prayers and pin them to this board.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Letting Go StationAt this station, you could hold a rock in your hand that symbolized your worries and concerns and drop it into the pool of water.
Adam Walker Cleaveland: A youth praying at the Light and Darkness Station
Adam Walker Cleaveland: B&W Photos Station
Adam Walker Cleaveland: Another photo of the Asbury UMC Chapel