Walker Art Center: Preparing to be hoisted
Walker Art Center: From the Irene Hixton Whitney Bridge
Walker Art Center: From the Irene Hixton Whitney Bridge
Walker Art Center: Crowd watching
Walker Art Center: Lowering the cherry into place
Walker Art Center: Moving into position
Walker Art Center: Exiting the cherry
Walker Art Center: Exiting the cherry
Walker Art Center: Disconnecting the cherry from the crane
Walker Art Center: Unwrapping
Walker Art Center: Unwrapping
Walker Art Center: Unwrapping
Walker Art Center: Unwrapping
Walker Art Center: Unwrapping
Walker Art Center: Spraying the bottom
Walker Art Center: Spraying the bottom
Walker Art Center: Spraying the bottom
Walker Art Center: Moving the cherry into position
Walker Art Center: Cherry with stem masked
Walker Art Center: Stem painted
Walker Art Center: Painting the Stem
Walker Art Center: Painting the stem
Walker Art Center: Masking the stem
Walker Art Center: Cherry in the spray booth
Walker Art Center: The final sanding
Walker Art Center: Cherry Sanding
Walker Art Center: Cherry Sanding
Walker Art Center: More fairing compound and sanding
Walker Art Center: More fairing compound and sanding