john walford: The Nativity - A Fresh Look at an Old Theme, 2010
john walford: Eros - C'est La Vie - A Double Retort to Marcel Duchamp's Large Glass (The Bride & Her Bachelors), 2010
john walford: Thanksgiving Still-Life, 2010, adjusted 2018
john walford: Be Still and Know, 2010
john walford: Rotting Log Cradle, Fall 2010
john walford: Salvador Mundi Still Life Banner, on Cross, 2010
john walford: No End To Longing, 2010
john walford: Odd Neighbors, Chicago, 2010
john walford: Passions of an Art Historian IX, 2010
john walford: A_Modest_Abundance_brighter, June_2010
john walford: A Modest Abundance I, June 2010
john walford: Always A Unique Rapport III, 2010
john walford: The Persistence of Persistent Memory, 2010
john walford: Time for Maria's Morning Italian Lessons, Apr 30, 2010
john walford: Rauschenberg ponders anew the Triumph of Duchamp over Dali, 2010
john walford: Emperor Qin Shi Huang Entertains Cleopatra at Wheaton, 2010
john walford: Just Outside Eden I, 2010 (a micro, photo-interpretation of Joonhee Park's New Media, video, light installation "Forest")