john walford:
Yellow Fog on the Window Panes, 2008 (inspired by T.S. Eli.ot's "Prufrock and Other Observations," 1917), reformatted 12x16ins, final contrast added, 2019
john walford:
Yellow Fog on the Window Panes, 2008 (inspired by T.S. Eli.ot's "Prufrock and Other Observations," 1917), reformatted 12x16ins, 2019
john walford:
Yellow Fog on the Window Panes, 2008 (inspired by T.S. Eliot's "Prufrock and Other Observations," 1917), revised III, 2018
john walford:
When Reflections Are Enough II, 2013
john walford:
Standing Tall and Proud, 2012
john walford:
The Dream of a Shadow, 2012
john walford:
By Jove!! - March 2011
john walford:
By Jove! - March 2011
john walford:
Brush Stroke and Spatter, with Roy L, 2011
john walford:
Brush Stroke with Spatter, 2011
john walford:
Tribute to Hokusai's Great Wave, 2011
john walford:
Spider's Front Door & Larder, Fall 2010
john walford:
Spider's Front Door Storage II, 2010
john walford:
Toad in the Hole, 2010
john walford:
Wisdom Tooth, 2010
john walford:
Some Creature's Front Door, 2010
john walford:
Sorrow, 2010
john walford:
Nocturne - Geisha in her Garden, 2010
john walford:
Nocturne - Geisha's Garden, 2010
john walford:
Angel of The Knowledge Tree, 2009
john walford:
Fungi, Feeding off the Fallen, Nov 2009
john walford:
Elm, aged 80 years, killed by beetles, 1929-2009
john walford:
The Culprit (Albert Einstein, Time is the Culprit), 09-09-09, with thanks to Semay Johnston
john walford:
Yellow Fog on the Window Panes, 2008 (Inspired by T.S. Eliot's "Prufrock and Other Observations," 1917)
john walford:
Narsissistic Tree Eyes, August 2008
john walford:
Narcissus's Pool I, August 2008
john walford:
Shadows of Apollo: Homage to Joel Sheesley, V, 2008
john walford:
Fossilized What? 2008
john walford:
Shadows Fall on Eden, 1508-2008
john walford:
Pierced and Consumed, 2008