quote, unquote: station 舞浜
quote, unquote: a disney bus at 舞浜
quote, unquote: The very hotel where the wedding is held
quote, unquote: Mr 島 at reception
quote, unquote: guests
quote, unquote: Reception
quote, unquote: collage of the new couple
quote, unquote: the ceremony has a delicate organ playing
quote, unquote: the ceremony has a harp playing
quote, unquote: The ceremony
quote, unquote: couple friends
quote, unquote: couple and "?"
quote, unquote: photo opportunity
quote, unquote: the company people
quote, unquote: the family
quote, unquote: the family (sorry, groom's eyes blink)
quote, unquote: Mika's good friend from high school
quote, unquote: couples
quote, unquote: couple friends
quote, unquote: a Janpese and Chinese bilingual company, 島
quote, unquote: the main course
quote, unquote: the family table
quote, unquote: new couple
quote, unquote: the toast of Yoshidas
quote, unquote: the Yoshidas
quote, unquote: family table
quote, unquote: R0019828.JPG
quote, unquote: passing torch
quote, unquote: antipasto