Waldo Jaquith:
Waldo Jaquith:
Do not write on bricks. But slate is OK.
Waldo Jaquith:
I will not write on this chalkboard.
Waldo Jaquith:
Rethink Living Wage
Waldo Jaquith:
Don't waste your college life in a drunken stupor.
Waldo Jaquith:
All Quakers Rule
Waldo Jaquith:
I voted for Schilling!
Waldo Jaquith:
I (heart) Kathryn
Waldo Jaquith:
John Linnell is a cutie.
Waldo Jaquith:
Jesus Wears a Rolex
Waldo Jaquith:
Powerwashing and Sanding
Waldo Jaquith:
Powerwashing and Sanding
Waldo Jaquith:
Waldo Jaquith:
Newly-Cleaned Chalkboard