ChrisW47-AZ: On the way to Sedona today...
ChrisW47-AZ: Empire Ranch-1289
ChrisW47-AZ: Sunset over the Tucson Mountains
ChrisW47-AZ: 20201107-Sunrise-home-clouds-2014
ChrisW47-AZ: Thundercloud with lightning-0087
ChrisW47-AZ: Thundercloud with lightning-0164
ChrisW47-AZ: Monsoon clouds at sunset-0384
ChrisW47-AZ: Monsoon clouds at sunset-0363
ChrisW47-AZ: Recent sunset in our neighborhood-4333
ChrisW47-AZ: Storm over San Pedro River Valley-1475
ChrisW47-AZ: After sunset walk-2360
ChrisW47-AZ: After sunset walk-2341
ChrisW47-AZ: 20211225-Christmas dawn-0490
ChrisW47-AZ: 20211225-Christmas dawn-0499