blasdelf: Starting Off
blasdelf: Matt
blasdelf: Derp
blasdelf: PANO_20130601_103412
blasdelf: Stevens Pass Power Lines
blasdelf: Lee
blasdelf: Bike Check
blasdelf: Lee
blasdelf: Matt and The Enchantments
blasdelf: Ben
blasdelf: Red Beer at the ready
blasdelf: Approaching the Sugarloaf Peak lookout
blasdelf: Lee with mountain majesty
blasdelf: Elephant at 5700ft
blasdelf: Lunch at the lookout
blasdelf: Quarter Panorama
blasdelf: Refreshments
blasdelf: Pow Wow
blasdelf: PANO_20130601_141627
blasdelf: Ben gave me some sugar
blasdelf: Myself
blasdelf: One of many trail obstructions cleared
blasdelf: Out of the woods on the Mad River Trail
blasdelf: Matt and Lee
blasdelf: Paul and Denny
blasdelf: A stack of 8 switchbacks at Mile 30
blasdelf: IMG_20130601_195520
blasdelf: Entiat River Road
blasdelf: Start of Mills Canyon Road / NF-5200
blasdelf: PANO_20130602_114332