Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Will I be the next.........? Krieg ich jetzt auch...
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Come over to our wellness round...Kommt ruhig Kuscheln...
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: HAPPY FURRY FRIDAY
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Ssshhhh..never wake up a sleeping Bosse...
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Three perfect styled chaps....Drei blitzblanke Buben..
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Do it like me......Sooooo macht man das!
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Is this what you call clean ? DAS solln saubere Pfötchen sein, P-Rudie?
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Heiligabend aufm Acker....Christmas Eve..
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: HAPPY FURRY FRIDAY
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Wake up, Rudie....Aufwachen, Rudie!
Waldgeister's Sound of Silence: Rudie and I understand the humans..Rudie und ich verstehen unsere Menschen schon...