Walter Birkhoff: Red Dress Window Scene
Walter Birkhoff: IMG_9542
Walter Birkhoff: Play Back Please
Walter Birkhoff: nelliesolo
Walter Birkhoff: Booty Night
Walter Birkhoff: varkenskop
Walter Birkhoff: 4-09-2005
Walter Birkhoff: nanko_poetst_de_plaat
Walter Birkhoff: clapvlees11juli
Walter Birkhoff: Rig to rig
Walter Birkhoff: Film Set
Walter Birkhoff: IMG_0299
Walter Birkhoff: The Making Of
Walter Birkhoff: 1 day commercial shoot
Walter Birkhoff: 1 day commercial shoot
Walter Birkhoff: Servex Corporate Image
Walter Birkhoff: Portable Moon
Walter Birkhoff: IMG_0080
Walter Birkhoff: Dancing Anette
Walter Birkhoff: Love At First Sight Scene
Walter Birkhoff: Niels Checkin' The Gate
Walter Birkhoff: nelliepoetst
Walter Birkhoff: Playing Horse
Walter Birkhoff: wingclap
Walter Birkhoff: Video Killed The Radio Star
Walter Birkhoff: Glamour Department
Walter Birkhoff: Iranian Tea Scene