Peter & Olga:
Coogee, Pool Series
Robyn Hooz:
Sunset and Coastline
Carrie Cole Photography:
The Old Man and the Sea
B l o o d F l o w
Deirdre Hayes:
Lighthouses, Chicago
Brendan Goodger:
Dawn at Canyon X
Brendan Goodger:
Christmas Rock
~~Heavenxxx89 Art & Photography:
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Pablo Picasso
~~Heavenxxx89 Art & Photography:
“The eye should learn to listen before it looks.” ― Robert Frank
~~Heavenxxx89 Art & Photography:
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter. (John Keats)
Icy Dawn
ANDROS images:
La leyenda de la ciudad sin nombre // The old legend of the nameless city
Jarlath Gray:
Kilbroney River
Alan Drake:
49 Schwinn
richard carter...: