Welcome into the mountains!:
Kościół Ewangelicki ze Stadeł
Welcome into the mountains!:
Chałupa dymna z Niecwi
Welcome into the mountains!:
Chałupa "biedniacka" z Lipnicy Wielkiej
Welcome into the mountains!:
Chałupa "biedniacka"
Welcome into the mountains!:
Kurnik dworski z Tymbarku
Welcome into the mountains!:
Chałupa biednego wyrobnika z Podegrodzia
Welcome into the mountains!:
Chałupa biednego wyrobnika z Podegrodzia
Welcome into the mountains!:
Chałupa zamożnego kmiecia z Gostwicy
Welcome into the mountains!:
Stajnia z Mokrej Wsi
Welcome into the mountains!:
Spichlerz z Zagorzyna
Welcome into the mountains!:
Szkoła ludowa z Nowego Rybia
Welcome into the mountains!:
Chałupa maziarska z Łosia koło Gorlic
Welcome into the mountains!:
Welcome into the mountains!:
Cerkiew greckokatolicka z Czarnego
Welcome into the mountains!:
Apteka galicyjska
Welcome into the mountains!:
Welcome into the mountains!:
Straż Pożarna
Welcome into the mountains!:
Welcome into the mountains!:
Rynek miasteczka
Welcome into the mountains!:
Welcome into the mountains!:
Welcome into the mountains!: