Raphael Ladd: Arriving in Sydney
Raphael Ladd: Downtown Sydney
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: the Rocks
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: approach to the bridge
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: guess what?
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Rocks again
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: downtown - decorated underpass
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: botanical gardens
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: botanical gardens
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: flying foxes
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: more bats
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: street bird
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Opera House
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Opera House
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Opera House
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Opera House
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Opera House Wedding
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Parrot (?)
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: trash
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Paddington
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: QVB
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Boats
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Manley Beach
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Manley Beach
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Manley Beach
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: harbor
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Circular Quay
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Ferry boats
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: fort island
Raphael Ladd: Sydney: Zoo kangaroos