Raphael Ladd: Photo opp halfway up Sugarloaf
Raphael Ladd: Renata and friends chatting - 3
Raphael Ladd: Renata and friends chatting - 2
Raphael Ladd: Renata and friends chatting - 1
Raphael Ladd: On the way to the wedding
Raphael Ladd: Before the wedding
Raphael Ladd: The Wedding
Raphael Ladd: The Wedding
Raphael Ladd: The Wedding
Raphael Ladd: The Wedding
Raphael Ladd: The Wedding
Raphael Ladd: Wedding Cake
Raphael Ladd: Wedding Cake
Raphael Ladd: Wedding Cake
Raphael Ladd: Wedding Cake
Raphael Ladd: Wedding Cake
Raphael Ladd: Posing at the wedding
Raphael Ladd: Posing at the wedding
Raphael Ladd: Posing at the wedding
Raphael Ladd: Wedding candies
Raphael Ladd: Wedding view
Raphael Ladd: Wedding view
Raphael Ladd: Cousins Lael and Irit
Raphael Ladd: Lael and Irit, a moment later
Raphael Ladd: Three pairs of dark glasses
Raphael Ladd: Jesus Loves Tricia
Raphael Ladd: Tricia Reading