waferboard: Aromas coffee shop, Powell River
waferboard: Top 'o th' morning... In Powell River
waferboard: big and little rocks
waferboard: two rocks
waferboard: one rock
waferboard: a trickle runs through it
waferboard: flags at the Powell River airport
waferboard: Canadian flag
waferboard: Powell River flag
waferboard: Canadian flag, line-screen
waferboard: best seats in the house
waferboard: boat | water
waferboard: getting from here to there
waferboard: seals
waferboard: barge of garbage
waferboard: a treasure inside
waferboard: the end of the journey
waferboard: detritus on the beach
waferboard: memorial wall 2
waferboard: memorial wall
waferboard: abalone eye
waferboard: pole
waferboard: Seals
waferboard: Shark! No, wait, it's a seal
waferboard: Ferry coming into Powell River
waferboard: Powell River airport
waferboard: culvert and a diadem of water
waferboard: this is the point
waferboard: a boat out of water
waferboard: Powell River street scene 1