jerry waese ★: under bridge
jerry waese ★: school bus turning
jerry waese ★: portuguese radio station
jerry waese ★: outside the beauty supply on Spadina
jerry waese ★: photobooth pose
jerry waese ★: saving-grace- while waiting for breakfast
jerry waese ★: saving-grace- after breakfast
jerry waese ★: LE MAXI 10 inch -1
jerry waese ★: commute to work
jerry waese ★: passing streetcars
jerry waese ★: Queens Quay
jerry waese ★: morning train
jerry waese ★: Following
jerry waese ★: special streetcar
jerry waese ★: Queen west of Portland
jerry waese ★: bathurst + queens quay
jerry waese ★: Damon on the roof
jerry waese ★: Jerry and Otis on the bench at R.A.D
jerry waese ★: boots belts and jeans
jerry waese ★: thanksgiving
jerry waese ★: figure perched on stool
jerry waese ★: Dan Mackenzie (Tribal)
jerry waese ★: red ones
jerry waese ★: Street Lamp Shadow Over Sunday Morning Blueberry Juice
jerry waese ★: cyclist and crane
jerry waese ★: another weekend