Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Biology of Marine Birds
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Identifying Birds by Behaviour
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: 圖解昆蟲學 Illustrated Entomology
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: 紫斑蝶: 飛越400公里的蝴蝶之旅
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: 台灣的候鳥: 四季遷徙全紀錄
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: 野鳥放大鏡住行篇 Secret Life of Birds: Breeding and Movement
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: 野鳥放大鏡食衣篇 Secret Life of Birds: Feeding and Feathers
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Arms Race on the Mudflat
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Atlas of Wintering Birds
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Audubon's Birds of America
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Bird Census and Atlas Study
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Bird Census Techniques
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Bird Conservation in Europe
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Bird Life of Mountain Uplan
Changhua Coast Conservation Action: Bird Migration Strategy