Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥 Kentish Plover (male)
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥 Kentish Plover
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥舌頭的功能 Function of tongue of Kentish Plover
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
約1個半月大的東方環頸行鳥雛鳥 1 and a half month old Kentish Plover chick
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥白色色環 Kentish Plover with a white ring
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥白色色環 Kentish Plover with a white ring
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
鹿港工業區內繁殖的東方環頸行鳥 Breeding Kentish Plover in the Lukang Industrial Park
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥色環 Colour-ringed Kentish Plover OXOB
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥色環 Colour-ringed Kentish Plover OOBG
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥雛鳥 Kentish Plover chick
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥雛鳥 Kentish Plover chicks
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥繁殖領域行為 Breeding territorial behaviour between Kentish Plovers 3-3
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥繁殖領域行為 Breeding territorial behaviour between Kentish Plovers 3-2
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥繁殖領域行為 Breeding territorial behaviour between Kentish Plovers 3-1
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥繁殖領域行為 Breeding territorial behaviour between Kentish Plovers 3-3
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥繁殖領域行為 Breeding territorial behaviour between Kentish Plovers 3-2
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥繁殖領域行為 Breeding territorial behaviour between Kentish Plovers 3-1
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥展翅 Kentish Plover stretching
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥亞成鳥 Juvenile Kentish Plover
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥一對 A pair of Kentish Plovers
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥的舌頭結構與功能 The structure and function of tongue of Kentish Plover 5-5
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥的舌頭結構與功能 The structure and function of tongue of Kentish Plover 5-4
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥的舌頭結構與功能 The structure and function of tongue of Kentish Plover 5-3
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥的舌頭結構與功能 The structure and function of tongue of Kentish Plover 5-2
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥的舌頭結構與功能 The structure and function of tongue of Kentish Plover 5-1
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸爭奪捕食清白招潮蟹 Kentish Plover predate on fiddler crab
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸爭奪捕食清白招潮蟹 Kentish Plover predate on fiddler crab
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸爭奪捕食清白招潮蟹 Kentish Plover predate on fiddler crab
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥的覓食 Kentish Plover
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
東方環頸行鳥捕食蚵螺 Kentish Plover