Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
水鳥遷徙飛行 Migration Flight
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
白藍足旗滸鷸 Curlew Sandpiper with whit-blue flag
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
濱鷸的金屬環 Dunlin's metal ring
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
金屬環灰斑行鳥Metal-ringed Grey Plover、白藍旗翻石鷸 White-Blue flagged Turnstone
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
染色的鐵嘴行鳥 Dyed Great Sand Plover with WB flag
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
小杓鷸遷徙飛行 Migration flight of Little Curlews
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
橘黃旗的三趾鷸 Sanderling with Orange-Yellow flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
第一批抵達的燕行鳥 The first arrival of Practincoles
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
有金屬環的東方環頸行鳥 Kentish Plover with a metal ring
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
過境鳥已經抵達肉粽角 Passenger migrants arrived
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
濱鷸AV足旗 Dunlin with AV flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
一陀濱鷸都有白藍足旗 A bunch of Dunlins with W-B flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
蒙古行鳥已到達彰化海岸 Mongolian Plovers arrived
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
濱鷸遷徙飛行 Dunlins migration flight
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
Orange flagged Curlew Sandpiper
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
白藍足旗東方環頸 Kentish Plover with White-Blue flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
白藍足旗濱鷸 Dunlin with White-Blue flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
福寶白色沙灘滸鷸橘旗 Curlew Sandpiper with orange flag
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
鐵嘴行鳥的左翼有點受傷 A little bit damage of Great Sand Plover's left wing
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
白藍足旗的鐵嘴行鳥 Great Sand Plover with White-Blue flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
黃足鷸白藍足旗 Tattler with White-Blue flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
黃旗黃足鷸 Tattler with a yellow flag
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
掛金屬環的蒙古行鳥 Mongolian Plover with a metal ring
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
翻石鷸橘黃旗 Turnstone with Orange-Yellow flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
白藍足旗的東方環頸行鳥 Kentish Plover with W-B flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
白藍足旗東方環頸行鳥 Kentish Plover with White-Blue flags
Changhua Coast Conservation Action:
白藍足旗蒙古行鳥 Mongolian Plover with White-Blue flags