wader: falling water
wader: find the photographer
wader: chucks puddle
wader: trees a float
wader: road to lake
wader: grave.
wader: check the eyes.
wader: the moon at night
wader: Inukchuk
wader: little girl with a dog
wader: silhouette of that boy
wader: My School
wader: on track
wader: filler up
wader: Damn View
wader: Puddle of Mud
wader: In the middle of the night
wader: light bright
wader: intentional blur
wader: a tail of a cat
wader: The Peace
wader: clout
wader: I can see the light
wader: Finally, the sun
wader: FSJ Christmas present.
wader: Mom's school.
wader: Opperation clean sweep
wader: big spill