wader: After the tour (Seattle)
wader: Arctic Club Dome (Seattle)
wader: cogs
wader: this is not guinness
wader: See you in Seattle
wader: on the monorail
wader: misty road away
wader: pioneer square hotel seattle
wader: the dock of the bay
wader: don't forget to vote... but who could forget?
wader: Paramount Seattle
wader: Library Seattle
wader: SAM Seattle Art Museum
wader: Experiance Music Project
wader: Guitars Galore
wader: Beer Ad "The One that Stands Out"
wader: A laser light show in black and white is a depressing thing.
wader: poster like. fireworks await
wader: fireworks arrive
wader: sparkler
wader: cara luft and the sparkler
wader: summer corn
wader: Hecla docket
wader: Gimli Dock
wader: Edmonton st. in Winnipeg
wader: is it riel?
wader: At the Folk Fest