wadawadI: Hardy & Hansons Kimberley
wadawadI: Hardy & Hansons 1861
wadawadI: Maltings
wadawadI: Watch Your Step
wadawadI: All Empty Now :(
wadawadI: Enter The Tardis.. Not thru this door though ;)
wadawadI: Coast's Clear! ;o)
wadawadI: Never to Mature Again :(
wadawadI: Time for a scrub?
wadawadI: The Well in the basement
wadawadI: I did a days graft... Once
wadawadI: Cheap Deisel??
wadawadI: Maltings Section
wadawadI: Work Table Clocked off for good??
wadawadI: Dacrylate? Maltings
wadawadI: Crumbling in
wadawadI: Looking out
wadawadI: No goods comming in
wadawadI: Going Down! Not any more
wadawadI: Down in the Dungeon
wadawadI: nelson and railway car park