wabeck: Joe at the pre-ride breakfast
wabeck: Dale ready to roll
wabeck: Group before the start
wabeck: Chet and Cynthia getting a selfie at the start
wabeck: Last-minute phone scrolling by Chicago riders before the start
wabeck: Gardner giving final info to the riders
wabeck: Dale, Chet and Cynthia, and other riders rolling out
wabeck: John, Chappy, and Tim departing at the start
wabeck: Riders departing at the start
wabeck: Charlie at the start
wabeck: Riders departing the Best Western
wabeck: Volunteers at the start
wabeck: Vlad early on the first day
wabeck: Dale
wabeck: Chet and Cynthia
wabeck: Charlie early on the first day
wabeck: Mark
wabeck: David and Mark
wabeck: Jon early on the first day
wabeck: Richard
wabeck: Marty
wabeck: Brad
wabeck: Joe
wabeck: Mark? on day 1
wabeck: Richard early in the day
wabeck: Mark on Day 1
wabeck: Marty on Day 1
wabeck: David on Day 1
wabeck: Jon on Day 1