w3inc / Bill: 42.365 rural treasure...
w3inc / Bill: 48.365 as if parking wasn't hard enough
w3inc / Bill: 50.365 down by the mill
w3inc / Bill: 51.365 the fence, the fog and the tree...
w3inc / Bill: 54.365 16th and Arch...
w3inc / Bill: 69.365 trespassing...
w3inc / Bill: 75.365 #MyMorningCommute...
w3inc / Bill: 106.365 hiding in plain sight...
w3inc / Bill: 236.365 on the web...
w3inc / Bill: 247.365 foggy start...
w3inc / Bill: 272.365 a quiet change...
w3inc / Bill: 278.365 water over the dam...
w3inc / Bill: 281.365 sunrise over fog...
w3inc / Bill: 293.365 rising fog...
w3inc / Bill: 302.365 sunrise over the fog...
w3inc / Bill: 310.365 eminent...
w3inc / Bill: 327.365 morning birds...
w3inc / Bill: 356.365 droplets...
w3inc / Bill: non-blizzard of '15...
w3inc / Bill: encampment...
w3inc / Bill: my world before coffee...
w3inc / Bill: quiet moments...
w3inc / Bill: how my day started...
w3inc / Bill: Impending...
w3inc / Bill: let the sun shine through... (explored)
w3inc / Bill: my morning commute... rolling through Glen Mills
w3inc / Bill: my morning commute... intimidating
w3inc / Bill: 30 - mornig mist...
w3inc / Bill: 35 - morning chat
w3inc / Bill: 63 - the morning after...