w3inc / Bill:
Bokeh Street Bench (Monday)...
w3inc / Bill:
Seating for four... no waiting...
w3inc / Bill:
My chair...
w3inc / Bill:
the night bench sitter...
w3inc / Bill:
baby it cold outside...
w3inc / Bill:
potting bench...
w3inc / Bill:
w3inc / Bill:
Life is like a box of chocolates...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM: Shady side of town edition...
w3inc / Bill:
crossing over...
w3inc / Bill:
tea light...
w3inc / Bill:
w3inc / Bill:
it's all about balance...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM... alfresco edition...
w3inc / Bill:
w3inc / Bill:
HBM.... barefoot commuter edition...
w3inc / Bill:
w3inc / Bill:
does your dog bite?
w3inc / Bill:
HBM: potting bench edition...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM: back deck edition...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM: hiding behind the geraniums...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM... rest needed...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM: diving board edition...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM: just us guys...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM: what did you do yesterday...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM: poolside edition...
w3inc / Bill:
HBM... looking up.
w3inc / Bill:
I'm not...
w3inc / Bill:
Good morning!