Another World Blog:
Marine Corps Memorial
Another World Blog:
Washington Memorial # 1
Another World Blog:
Washington Memorial, meet teepee
Another World Blog:
It starts out small...
Another World Blog:
...then it gets bigger
Another World Blog:
Spock, Why Did it Have to be Spock?
Another World Blog:
Unknown Soldier
Another World Blog:
Arlington National Cemetery...
Another World Blog:
The Supreme Court...
Another World Blog:
...And the Supreme Potty
Another World Blog:
Washington's Jacket
Another World Blog:
Washington Memorial # 3
Another World Blog:
Veteran's Day
Another World Blog:
DC Squirrels
Another World Blog:
Ancient Sloth
Another World Blog:
They're Ruby
Another World Blog:
Paint It Black?
Another World Blog:
Paint It Black Again?
Another World Blog:
Pennsylvania Avenue
Another World Blog:
Washington's Boat
Another World Blog:
Shallow Reflecting Pool
Another World Blog:
Reflecting Pool Muck
Another World Blog:
Reflecting Pool Muck # 2
Another World Blog:
Lincoln Memorial
Another World Blog:
Artsy Lincoln Memorial
Another World Blog:
Prince's gee-tar
Another World Blog:
Nuclear Protesters
Another World Blog:
Another World Blog:
The Lincoln Ceiling
Another World Blog:
The Lincoln Hat