Lark Ascending: Atronomical Clock
Lark Ascending: Astronomical Clock
Lark Ascending: At the house of the golden sun
Lark Ascending: At the house of the grape carriers
Lark Ascending: At the house of the golden serpent
Lark Ascending: Ready for take-off...
Lark Ascending: Charles Bridge Statuary
Lark Ascending: Alfons Mucha Window (detail) St Vitus' Cathedral
Lark Ascending: Stained Glass St Vitus Cathedral Prague
Lark Ascending: Stained Glass St Vitus Cathedral Prague
Lark Ascending: Stained Glass St Vitus Cathedral Prague
Lark Ascending: Charles Bridge Statuary
Lark Ascending: Black Tower Prague Castle
Lark Ascending: Stained Glass (detail) St Vitus' Cathedral Prague
Lark Ascending: Painting by Alfons Mucha
Lark Ascending: Czechoslovakian stamps
Lark Ascending: Astronomical Clock (detail) Prague
Lark Ascending: Charles Bridge Statuary
Lark Ascending: Prage Castle handle
Lark Ascending: St Vitus Cathedral
Lark Ascending: Stained Glass St Vitus' Cathedral
Lark Ascending: Stained Glass St Vitus' Cathedral
Lark Ascending: Prague Astronomical clock
Lark Ascending: Prague Astronomical clock
Lark Ascending: Pinkas Synagogue Memorial
Lark Ascending: Zizkov Tower
Lark Ascending: Prague tourist information stand
Lark Ascending: Charles Bridge at night
Lark Ascending: Prague Art