vvvanessa: chocolate chunk cookie from sweet adeline bakeshop
vvvanessa: corned beef hash with scrambled eggs, toast and potatoes
vvvanessa: fried egg, bacon, and baguette at meal ticket
vvvanessa: baby alex and mama amy
vvvanessa: blueberry pancakes with fruit, but not for alex
vvvanessa: bacon, scallion, and cheddar scramble
vvvanessa: blueberry pancakes up close and fruity
vvvanessa: baby alex
vvvanessa: is baby alex snickering at me?
vvvanessa: "Citizens who cherish the rule of law and the Constitution should demand the removal of Bush and Cheney."
vvvanessa: irving perches on a pen
vvvanessa: penguin in fiery helmet
vvvanessa: irving rides the coffee thermos
vvvanessa: ebi on coat on sofa
vvvanessa: nori is taken aback
vvvanessa: maple sugar beignets are the stepping stones
vvvanessa: maple sugar beignets at t-rex barbecue
vvvanessa: the maple sugar beignets are alll gone!
vvvanessa: fried chicken sandwich at t-rex barbecue
vvvanessa: mountain of goodies
vvvanessa: hot chocolate kits at sketch ice cream
vvvanessa: homemade marshmallows at sketch ice cream
vvvanessa: ice cream from sketch ice cream
vvvanessa: sopa azteca at picante
vvvanessa: apostrophe police