VickyvS: Shadows
VickyvS: Christmas lights in Adlershof
VickyvS: Reichstag built of legos
VickyvS: Berliner Dom out of legos
VickyvS: Another Berlin landmark out of legos
VickyvS: Subway station out of legs
VickyvS: Branderburger Tor out of legos
VickyvS: The DB building out of legos
VickyvS: The Die Welt hot air balloon our of legos
VickyvS: Gedächtniskirche out of legos
VickyvS: The chariot on top of the Brandenburg gate - out of legos
VickyvS: Brandenburg gate out of legos
VickyvS: Lego workers lay new subway track
VickyvS: The fall of the Berlin Wall (in legos)
VickyvS: Reichstag by night out of legos
VickyvS: Reichstag out of legos
VickyvS: Lego window washers on Lego DB building
VickyvS: Lego window washers on Lego DB building
VickyvS: CP3O out of legos
VickyvS: Sponge Bob squarepants out of legos
VickyvS: Batman out of legos
VickyvS: Life-size man out of legos
VickyvS: Face detail of life-size man our of legos
VickyvS: Foot of life-size man out of legos
VickyvS: Santa Claus out of legos (mostly Duplos)
VickyvS: Duplo Santa Claus Face Detail
VickyvS: Life-sized man out of legos
VickyvS: Lego snowman (mostly Duplos)
VickyvS: Duplo snowman
VickyvS: Plastic pillar filled with legos