VickyvS: Nancy, our guide
VickyvS: Beading
VickyvS: Pottery
VickyvS: Blowgun, tools for making it, and dart
VickyvS: Heating river cane (bamboo relative- so it can be straightened
VickyvS: Plant material the dart tails are made of
VickyvS: Basket making
VickyvS: Basket making
VickyvS: Basket
VickyvS: Dancing
VickyvS: Corn harvest dance
VickyvS: Buffalo dance
VickyvS: Buffalo dance
VickyvS: Ground hog dance
VickyvS: Bear dance
VickyvS: Bear dance
VickyvS: Bear dance
VickyvS: Arrow heads
VickyvS: Blow gun
VickyvS: Our guide explains the bear trap
VickyvS: Our guide explains the traps
VickyvS: The wooden chimney is lined with stones
VickyvS: Pounding cornmeal
VickyvS: Sweat lodge
VickyvS: Finger weaving
VickyvS: Finger weaving
VickyvS: Finger weaving
VickyvS: Woven reeds
VickyvS: hollowing out a log with fire
VickyvS: Nancy, our guide