VickyvS: Tilman's bike, ready for the ride
VickyvS: Another group converging on the autobahn entrance
VickyvS: Waiting for them to close the autobahn so we can get on
VickyvS: Waiting for them to close the autobahn so we can get on
VickyvS: Waiting for them to close the autobahn so we can get on
VickyvS: Interesting headgear
VickyvS: Antennas over Berlin
VickyvS: Several riders from the Red Cross
VickyvS: Proof that the ride really was in Berlin
VickyvS: We made it to the end of the ride
VickyvS: Umweltfestival
VickyvS: This is a bike
VickyvS: Jakob tries out the wares
VickyvS: Jakob tries out the wares
VickyvS: Dixi Klos
VickyvS: Two landmarks in one picture
VickyvS: lunch
VickyvS: lunch
VickyvS: Bike for carrying lots of stuff
VickyvS: Soviet War Memorial
VickyvS: Tilman's bike looks none the worst for the wear. . .
VickyvS: Bicycle balloon
VickyvS: Us on Morgenpost T.V.