VickyvS: Finished product
VickyvS: Folding the egg whites into the quark mixture
VickyvS: Egg whites added to quark mixture
VickyvS: Beating the egg whites - almost done
VickyvS: Beating the egg whites, near the beginning
VickyvS: eggs divided into three parts
VickyvS: Quark + orange rind + orange juice + cinammon mixture
VickyvS: add quark (and a little cinnamon, since we didn't have honey + cinammon)
VickyvS: Orange rind + orange juice
VickyvS: Oranges missing their rind
VickyvS: Grated orange rind
VickyvS: coffee and amaretto-soaked stollen cubes
VickyvS: Pouring coffee + ameretto into stollen cubes
VickyvS: Stollen, cut into ~1.5 cm cubes
VickyvS: Stollen Tiramisu - Ingredients