VTSnapshot: Simon-Pearce Glassblowers & Restaurant
VTSnapshot: Simon-Pearce Lobby
VTSnapshot: Wooden Glass Molds
VTSnapshot: Simon-Pearce Restaurant
VTSnapshot: Working @ Simon-Pearce Lobby
VTSnapshot: Simon-Pearce HydroTurbine
VTSnapshot: Heating to 2700F
VTSnapshot: Cooling Down - Gentle Turning
VTSnapshot: Mechanical Glass Mold
VTSnapshot: Blowing Glass
VTSnapshot: Shaping with Wooden Mold
VTSnapshot: Expanding with Wooden Prongs
VTSnapshot: Heating to 2700F
VTSnapshot: Trimming off the Extras
VTSnapshot: 20090503-101
VTSnapshot: Waterfall & Covered Bridge
VTSnapshot: Waterfall & Covered Bridge
VTSnapshot: Enjoying the View