VTCarter: untitled-0102.jpg
VTCarter: Beach Paris 2011
VTCarter: Jimmy and Ashley at Beach Paris
VTCarter: Big Sandcastle at Beach Paris
VTCarter: Ashley in front of Notre Dame of Paris
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VTCarter: Notre Dame of Paris Gargoyle
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VTCarter: Notre Dame of Paris from the South
VTCarter: untitled-0150.jpg
VTCarter: Rose Window Zoom
VTCarter: untitled-0155.jpg
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VTCarter: untitled-0170.jpg
VTCarter: Organ in Saint Germaine
VTCarter: Thomas Jefferson Statue near foot-bridge over the Seine
VTCarter: Looking downstream down the Seine
VTCarter: Keys over Seine
VTCarter: Keys on foot-bridge over the Seine
VTCarter: River-Level looking at the Musee d'Orsay
VTCarter: Tuiliries
VTCarter: From the Tuiliries past Pool, Obelisk, Arc de Triomphe and Grand Arch
VTCarter: Rue Cambon at night
VTCarter: The Cathedral of Magdalenae
VTCarter: Napoleon II Statue