VTCarter: Grandma's Old House on Valley Mill Rd
VTCarter: Geri on the Slalom
VTCarter: Dan near the Mountain
VTCarter: Dan cutting it up
VTCarter: Wipeout
VTCarter: My lovely Ashley
VTCarter: Beaver
VTCarter: Beavering Around
VTCarter: Boat Dogs
VTCarter: Geri near the mountain
VTCarter: Looks a bit excited
VTCarter: Yes, I am this awesome
VTCarter: What a face
VTCarter: Geri looks pretty happy here!
VTCarter: Waving to the people
VTCarter: Oh crap...
VTCarter: Cut
VTCarter: Old Timey
VTCarter: Family Photo
VTCarter: Family plus Dog
VTCarter: Jimmy and Ashley
VTCarter: How to sink a boat...