A view of the realm: 練習翻身
A view of the realm: I look like Daddy
A view of the realm: 破繭而出
A view of the realm: 大鄉里出城
A view of the realm: 整裝待發
A view of the realm: 小公主的至愛
A view of the realm: 不顧一切
A view of the realm: 手瓜起展
A view of the realm: 口若懸河
A view of the realm: 救命呀!
A view of the realm: 好味道!
A view of the realm: 媽媽,不要走
A view of the realm: 樂在 Crema
A view of the realm: 樂在 Crema
A view of the realm: 開懷大笑
A view of the realm: 開懷大笑﹣再來
A view of the realm: 媽媽張大口
A view of the realm: 三個月的合照