vruba: GPS topo map of Portland (finer-grained)
vruba: GPS topo map of Portland
vruba: Downtown velocity
vruba: Speed-over-direction plot by state
vruba: Oregon as per geonames.org
vruba: geonames.org’s Conus
vruba: geonames.org’s world
vruba: geonames.org’s world: azimuthal projection on Portland
vruba: geonames.org’s world: azimuthal projection on Goma, DRC
vruba: Zip code order
vruba: 25,914 Portland days’ temperatures as a single year
vruba: 39,207,947 temperatures by day-of-year
vruba: My last two weeks: I-5
vruba: The Columbia River’s drainage basin
vruba: Four days of geotagged tweets
vruba: English v. everything else
vruba: Tweets by longitude over time
vruba: Tweets by latitude over time
vruba: Tweets on Blue Marble NG
vruba: 12 days of tweet time over longitude
vruba: Twitter replies in space
vruba: Population v. money v. tweets
vruba: My last two years of Portland GPS tracks by season
vruba: Cloudless continental US
vruba: Geotweets by time of day over day
vruba: accidental databending