vruba: Ryland, Tessa, and Mitchell
vruba: Marina at Irving Park: “So I was thinking of marrying Zack tomorrow”
vruba: Ryland looks like Orson Welles
vruba: Chris has a burrito; Roya has a gesture; Marina has only an arm
vruba: Ryland, Marina, Roya, and Kathleen
vruba: Mitchell, Mitchell’s butt, Jamie, and Jess
vruba: Jess and Ryland
vruba: Scruffy Chris at Tiny’s
vruba: Jess at Tiny’s
vruba: Glasses
vruba: Mitchell looks kind of like Christopher Isherwood or something
vruba: Late Saturday, Zack digests pizza and wonders (we can only speculate) whether he REALLY wants to marry Marina (update: “yep”)
vruba: Ryland among umbrellas
vruba: Mitchell by neon
vruba: Ryland is not distracted by Jess
vruba: Chris in two glasses
vruba: Chris is distracted; Jamie is catching on
vruba: Root beers and ginger beers and ales
vruba: Chris’s wry face
vruba: Eli!
vruba: Jess through her own glasses
vruba: Jess and Wade
vruba: Robin has WOOT BYAH!
vruba: Eli!
vruba: Mitchell and Jamie are photographed
vruba: Nancy!
vruba: Tessa and Ryland, disrespectful of other people’s property, scope out a shot with a stolen camera
vruba: Tessa, Chris, and Ryland chimping
vruba: Zack and Marina
vruba: Grace!