V. Bures-Photography: Paris. // Metro. Marie d´Issy
V. Bures-Photography: UBahn. Italien.
V. Bures-Photography: Outer Banks. Beach. Colorful houses.
V. Bures-Photography: wolkenspiel.
V. Bures-Photography: für dich 1000 mal.
V. Bures-Photography: walking into nowhere.
V. Bures-Photography: walking into nowhere//2.
V. Bures-Photography: Lissabon at the sea. Stormy weather, but beautiful colors.
V. Bures-Photography: Möwenherde// Lissabon.
V. Bures-Photography: crowd of seagulls.
V. Bures-Photography: Möwe-.. Outer Banks. // Last summer. Beach.
V. Bures-Photography: "brown" sea...
V. Bures-Photography: never ending...
V. Bures-Photography: day 309 / 365.
V. Bures-Photography: to somebody.
V. Bures-Photography: week 8. (8th of november)
V. Bures-Photography: week 13. (16th of december)
V. Bures-Photography: week 18. ( 22nd of January. )
V. Bures-Photography: 25 impressions of Marokko (20)
V. Bures-Photography: Time.time.time.
V. Bures-Photography: 25 impressions of Marokko (16)
V. Bures-Photography: 25 impressions of Marokko (14)
V. Bures-Photography: The answer, my friend...
V. Bures-Photography: Wie soll ein Mensch das ertragen?