vrogy: First two buyers.
vrogy: The List.
vrogy: Local news interviews the first buyer.
vrogy: News Crew.
vrogy: ~1/2 of the local line in 32607.
vrogy: DSer.
vrogy: *cue angelic music*
vrogy: mmm, shrinkwrap. worth 60$.
vrogy: PICT0092
vrogy: Andrew & his iphone.
vrogy: Pano of the line. Rough.
vrogy: cop #2
vrogy: Pizza break for the store reps.
vrogy: James D. stylusing.
vrogy: PICT0001
vrogy: Local News team arrives.
vrogy: bottom- dock plug & speakers
vrogy: top
vrogy: Treo 680 vs. iPhone
vrogy: Treo 680 vs. iPhone
vrogy: Treo 680 vs. iPhone
vrogy: Treo 680 vs. iPhone
vrogy: graphics are nice.
vrogy: nice hardware, as always.
vrogy: But, hm, this doesn't work
vrogy: Oh, wow.
vrogy: boneheads.
vrogy: PICT0007
vrogy: Wait a second...
vrogy: Why doesn't it work?