VROG in Bristol: ...like son
VROG in Bristol: dreaming of glory
VROG in Bristol: fishmen in the shade
VROG in Bristol: like father like daughter
VROG in Bristol: captivated
VROG in Bristol: nativity play (seen through proud-parent tinted specs)
VROG in Bristol: am I supposed to eat that?
VROG in Bristol: Farm cat (much loved)
VROG in Bristol: Pleased with himself
VROG in Bristol: are we funny?
VROG in Bristol: ready to be funny?
VROG in Bristol: concentrated
VROG in Bristol: I like France
VROG in Bristol: reflective moment
VROG in Bristol: best bit
VROG in Bristol: page turner
VROG in Bristol: eeeellllllleeeeeeppphhhaaaannnntttt
VROG in Bristol: Rev (elation)