V-rider: 2012 COI Staff Reunion
V-rider: Brothers Bruce & Dean on the way up to the swimming lake.
V-rider: Brothers Dean & Ralph by the site of the old Boathouse.
V-rider: Brothers Bruce and Ralph standing at what was--until 2 weeks ago--the doorway to the Boathouse.
V-rider: Brothers Bruce & Dean by the site of the old Boathouse.
V-rider: The back deck of one of the staff cabins
V-rider: Dean with what's left of an OA flaming arrow, once fired across the lake in an OA ceremony.
V-rider: Dean, Bruce & Mark exploring the swimming lake lakebed.
V-rider: Bruce, Dean and Mark on the lakebed.
V-rider: Mark Bailey climbing the granite steps from the swimming-lake dock, up to the trail to camp.
V-rider: Bruce Mayer atop the Boating Lake dam.
V-rider: Dean & Bruce Mayer on the road by the swimming lake.
V-rider: Remnants of the iconic staff cabin--The Boathouse, a.k.a, "The Sandbox"
V-rider: Once-staff members Dean Mayer and Mark Bailey view the remnants of The Boathouse, the waterfront-staff cabin where they once spent their summers on staff..
V-rider: Tony Turner...from the Boathouse walls.
V-rider: Steve, Bruce, Mark & Dean looking for names on the old Boathouse walls.
V-rider: Rick Hopf and David Bowen from the Boathouse walls--mid to late 1960s.
V-rider: Heading for lunch in the dining hall.
V-rider: Steve, Goetz, Marshall, Mark and Dean by the Trading Post
V-rider: The COI dining hall in springtime
V-rider: Bruce & Mark
V-rider: Jonathan Tingen
V-rider: Mark, Dean & Jonathan
V-rider: The Mayer brothers at the COI Trading Post
V-rider: Panoramic of Swimming Lake drained until summer camp season.
V-rider: Panoramic of Trading Post and parade field, aka, the meadow.
V-rider: The Fountain House behind the dining hall.
V-rider: The Trading Post by the meadow, in the center of camp.
V-rider: View of the drained Swimming Lake from the Boating Lake dam.
V-rider: Springtime landscape view of the swimming lake--drained until the summer camp season opens in June.