V-rider: Ralph Mayer's (Waterfront Director) teaching schedule for the summer of '73.
V-rider: Ralph's old clipboard with the 1973 Waterfront Staff teaching assignments
V-rider: 2010 Staff Reunion - chow time!
V-rider: Joel Chambers enjoying another COI meal
V-rider: Lorin McCullough addressing the group
V-rider: Just after a great meal, Lorin addresses the group.
V-rider: 2008 Leather
V-rider: 1973 Leather
V-rider: Joel Chambers
V-rider: Kevin Dunn
V-rider: Buster (Camp Ranger)
V-rider: (L-R) Bud Asbury, Mike Despeaux, Tim Keaton
V-rider: Hamp Johnson
V-rider: Joel Chambers, aka "Mountain Man," "Goat Wrestler," "Lodge Chief," "Camp Bugler" and many other legendary roles
V-rider: Greg Holbrook--always laughing
V-rider: John Thompson (1960) and Buster (Camp Ranger)
V-rider: Trading Post
V-rider: Kevin Dunn & Joel Chambers
V-rider: At one time or another, most of us lived in the DC (Director's Cabin)
V-rider: "Then Cox would slam me to the floor here..."
V-rider: Never ending stories in the DC
V-rider: Director's Cabin
V-rider: Director's Cabin (1)
V-rider: Swapping stories at the DC
V-rider: Totem pole and entrance
V-rider: New boating lake dock
V-rider: Swimming lake at Camp Old Indian just before summer refill
V-rider: OK, who cut the cheese?
V-rider: Plaque for the Camp Old Indian boating lake--Lake Caldwell
V-rider: 2010 Group shot at COI staff reunion