V-rider: Teke house, which was the pre-civil-war Keitt house in Newberry, SC, finished in 1858.
V-rider: 1974 Waiting in Carol Courts for the pledges to run down the hill.
V-rider: 1974 Rush down hill
V-rider: 1974 Pledge spirit
V-rider: Jerry in the middle - 1974
V-rider: Teke spirit
V-rider: Go Tekes
V-rider: TKE house on a full-moon night near Newberry
V-rider: beer keg bathtub on back porch
V-rider: Dickie Baker in the hall at the Teke house
V-rider: Sally Hendrix & Diane Penrod on the back porch of the Teke house
V-rider: Dr. Carley testing the BBQ
V-rider: Dickie says, "Ok, Rose, try this."
V-rider: Tim Work
V-rider: Zero splitting wood to keep us warm later
V-rider: 1974 TKE Pledges
V-rider: Jayroe, Rose at bar
V-rider: Jim, Otis, Dr. Carley
V-rider: Rose and Lynn at the bar
V-rider: Serving BBQ in the backyard of the Teke house
V-rider: Gene Strickland and Dickie Baker fixing the BBQ
V-rider: Debbie Antley and Mary Ann Ranney
V-rider: Teke ladies serving at the Red Carnation Ball
V-rider: Our Red Carnation banquet setup in the hallway was done by the TKE sweethearts.
V-rider: Rose serving
V-rider: Banquet in the hallway of the Teke house.
V-rider: Tim & Lynn enjoying the party.
V-rider: Icing down on the back porch
V-rider: Charlie Park, our 1974-75 president, addressing the fraternity
V-rider: 1974 TKE rush at Newberry College, SC