V-rider: Karen enjoying the pool and waterfall in Key Largo
V-rider: Quiet and pensive evening - sunset on the lake
V-rider: Ralph & Karen
V-rider: Apres swim in the lake
V-rider: A nice swim in the springtime
V-rider: Karen at the helm
V-rider: Ralph prepping for his first jump.
V-rider: We arrived...now what?!
V-rider: Okay, where's the chute?
V-rider: Okay, so this is where the term "jumpsuit" came from!
V-rider: MIke brought Karen down to a perfect landing.
V-rider: Karen emerges from the hangar ready to go!
V-rider: Karen feeling the joy of freefall
V-rider: Karen scanning the horizon
V-rider: Karen over the airfield several miles below.
V-rider: Karen in the clouds...life in the fast lane--at 120 mph!
V-rider: A view of the earth from several miles up.
V-rider: Karen up in the clouds
V-rider: Karen cutting flips out of the plane at 14,000 feet
V-rider: Ralph & Karen in the hangar
V-rider: Karen and Ralph celebrating their anniversary
V-rider: Floating under the canopy a mile up in the air
V-rider: The canopy has been deployed
V-rider: Sharing our anniversary back on the ground!
V-rider: Husband and wife back from a flight to earth.
V-rider: The sun sets as we return to earth.
V-rider: Ralph & Karen on the ground after a sunset skydive. A perfect landing on a perfect day for a perfect anniversary!
V-rider: Karen and Ralph enjoying their anniversary!
V-rider: We enjoy the warmth of Christmas in the cold of winter
V-rider: Karen on rail